2022 Florida Chamber Transportation, Growth & Infrastructure Summit

Florida is growing quickly. It is estimated that Florida will grow by four million more residents by the year 2030 to a approximately 26 million people. This brings both challenges and opportunities to connect Florida’s communities to one another, and to global markets, as we work to preserve the environmental and community assets that support Florida’s continued economic growth.
Join The Florida Chamber Foundation for the 2022 Florida Transportation, Growth & Infrastructure Solution Summit, April 28th, at the Marriott Jacksonville. Florida’s top business and transportation leaders, economic developers, logistics leaders, land and water experts, lawmakers and other key industry leaders will discuss the latest developments and solutions for achieving the Florida 2030 Blueprint’s infrastructure goals – all designed to prepare Florida for smart growth and development.
In-Person Early Bird Registration – $299.00 (early bird registration closes March 28, 2022)
In-Person Regular Registration – $329.00 (after March 28, 2022)
Virtual/Livestream Registration: $199.00
*Hotel Reservations can be made at:
Marriott Jacksonville
4670 Salisbury Rd
Jacksonville, FL 32256
Room Rate: $179
Registration deadline: Wednesday, April 13, 2022