
MakeMore Manufacturing Summit 2021: Technology Segment

Location: Virtual

Technology touches every aspect of manufacturing regardless of company size. Manufacturing both adapts to technology and in many cases, creates technology. Ensuring that a company’s workforce is adept with the changing nature of advancements whether it’s integrating Smart Factories technologies or guarding against cyber-attacks, the discussion, preparation, and execution of technology is imperative for every company. The Technology Segment will host discussions around how companies can leverage the benefits of accelerating technology to foster innovation and what the ecosystem needs to focus on to ensure every manufacturer in Florida is on a pathway to implement the Smart Factory floor.


  • The Smart Factory
  • Cybersecurity
  • Technology and it’s impact on workforce

Who should attend?

  • CEOs, CIOs and Business owners
  • Technology professionals
  • Cybersecurity professionals
  • Management professionals
  • Workforce Development professional

For more information visit MakeMore Summit Technology Segment