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Florida Ports Council Adds New Team Members and Promotes From Within
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (August 16, 2021)– The Florida Ports Council (FPC) is pleased to announce that Emily Fisher has been hired as Vice President of Programs and Planning, and that Christy Gandy has been promoted to Vice President of Operations.

Fisher brings a wealth of business, economic development and member relations experience from her previous employers, the Florida Chamber of Commerce and the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity. She holds a B.A. in communications and Spanish from the Central Michigan University.
She will lead programmatic efforts related to the Florida Seaport Transportation and Economic Development Program, as well as managing seaport relations.
“We’re pleased to have Emily join the seaports team, and are excited about her ability to transfer her business and economic development experience to help benefit Florida’s seaports,” Michael Rubin, President and CEO, said. “

Gandy is a 15-plus year veteran of the FPC, assisting with daily operations of the Tallahassee-based office, and leading all event planning for regularly scheduled meetings with executives from Florida’s 14 seaports. She is actively involved with the Florida Society of Association Executives.
“Christy is a dedicated team member, routinely helping ensure we provide the best meetings and events for our members and stakeholders, and she is well-deserving of this promotion,” Rubin explained.
Fisher and Gandy will report to Michael Rubin, who was recently named President and CEO of the Florida Ports Council. Rubin has served with the FPC since 1998.
The Florida Ports Council (FPC), is a Florida nonprofit corporation that serves as the professional association for Florida’s fifteen public seaports and their management. FPC is governed by a Board of Directors comprised of the 15 port directors with staff support located in Tallahassee. We provide leadership through a collective voice in the areas of state and federal advocacy, data and research, and marketing and communication.
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