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Port Everglades & JAXPORT Secure “Big Fish”

Florida continues to obtain new cargo vessel business as shipping lines look to avoid West Coast port congestion. A small chartered container vessel from China to JAXPORT will arrive in mid-March, becoming the fifth concrete new piece of congestion-related business confirmed bound for its port.
“As shippers look to avoid congestion, the efficiencies of Florida’s ports serve as a long-term solution. JAXPORT’s cargo terminals are congestion-free and offer service from dozens of ocean carriers to more than 140 ports worldwide,” JAXPORT said recently.
Meanwhile, more products are bound for store shelves after the arrival of Mediterranean Shipping Company’s MSC Rachele.
With the assistance of three new Super Post-Panamax gantry cranes and one existing Post-Panamax crane, more cargo containers will move across Port Everglades’ docks from a single ship then anytime in the Port’s history. This record breaking 4,849 containers, equates to nearly 9,000 TEUs. It will take 72 hours to complete the off-load and loading process on the 1,095-foot-long MSC Rachele.
This is the second “big fish” Port Everglades has secured in a matter of weeks. In late December, they welcomed the longest container ship to ever call the Port, MSC’s 1,114-foot-long Kotor Bay.