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Carnival Cruise Line, Carnival Paradise, Coastal Cleanup Day, Keep Tampa Bay Beautiful, Port Tampa Bay
Paul Anderson, Port Tampa Bay, Tampa Harbor Navigation Improvement Study, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, USACE
cargo, cruise, Interstate-4 Corridor, Petroleum, Port Logistics Refrigerated Services, Port Tampa Bay, Seaport Spotlight, Shipbuilding
"Storm Ready" Certification, Annual Hurricane Exercise, Port Tampa Bay, U.S. Coast Guard Southeast
Chris Cooley, Colt McCay, Debbie Evenson, Great Port Clean-Up, Keep Tampa Bay Beautiful, Paul Anderson, Port Tampa Bay, Propeller Club of Tampa Bay
Audrey DeRose-Wilson, Audubon Florida, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Least Terns, Migratory Bird, Oystercatchers, Paul Anderson, Port Tampa Bay, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Agunsa, Max Urenda, Paul Anderson, Port Tampa Bay, Raul Alfonso
Annual Hurricane Exercise, Border Protection, CSX Railroad, Customs, Hillsborough Sheriff's Office, National Weather Service, Port Tampa Bay, United States Coast Guard
Costa Rica, Paul Anderson, Port Logistics Refrigerated Services, Port Tampa Bay, Raul Alfonso, SeacatLine, Seatrade Group
aapa, BEST, Cary Davis, Kirsten Foot, National Human Trafficking Awareness Month, Paul Anderson, Port Tampa Bay, U.S. Department of Transportation